Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Hampton University Homecoming Queen

Nikole Churchill was crowned Miss Hampton University 2009 on October 9, 2009. The 22-year-old Churchill is the first non-black student to win the pageant.

Initially Churchill claimed her win caused some conflict on the Hampton University campus. In a letter to President Barack Obama, Churchill said she'd "met with negative comments" since winning the crown. She urged Obama to visit the Hampton campus to address race issues.

Churchill, who is from Hawaii, wrote Obama on Sunday to tell him that her crowning was met with negative comments because of her skin color. She invited him to visit HU and speak about racial tolerance.


Do You Think Churchill should have wrote Obama?


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1 comment:

  1. She is free to write to whom she desires.

    Is there really a big problem with her being Homecoming Queen in 2009? What is the election process? Is the homecoming queen selected by a panel or by the student body?

    Even though I am surprised, I am alright with it. If this is the young lady whom the student body selected, what is the problem? Apparently the majority of the students desired for her to represent them.
